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Top; Chickabee farm August 2018

Bottom; Chickabee farm winter 2017

Welcome to Chickabee Farm

Chickabee is a small deep organic farm providing raw unpasteurized honey, pastured eggs, produce, microgreens and fruit. We are a demonstration and education site for green technologies, Homesteading, Permaculture and Ecosystem garden design.


Chickabee farm is growing over 100 varieties of vegetable, with 80 fruit trees, 100 berry bushes, grape, and kiwi vines and over a dozen varieties of herbs. Bee hives and nearly 20 laying hens share the less than 1 acre site.


Become a Farm Member and recieve a weekly share of all the farm produces including vegetables, herbs, fruit, eggs and honey.


Subscribe to the Chickabee Farm Newsletter and keep up to date on farm products available, including recipes and cooking tips.  join in events, workshops and seasonal gardening how to's

The 2019 season starts June 6th


The website is now updated and open for 2019 veggie box (CSA and CSAFlex) registration. I have partnered with Sunil to add additional land and crop varieties to the mix. Over the next few weeks we will formalize the crop options and include this information in a future newsletter.


Even together we are still a 'small' farm so there is a limit to the number of members we can provide for. We would rather provide top quality products to a few than subpar to many.


You can go through the webstore to purchase shares or contact me by the website or email

New for 2019


Along with the weekly veggie basket (CSA) and the free market choice basket (CSAFlex) this year we are adding the


Salad and Smoothie basket


A weekly selection of greens, lettuce, sprouts, and additions just right to add to the bowl of greens or blender. Please go here for additional details, or here to order.

Farm Open

June 1 to Oct 15




​​Ancaster Farmers Market

37 Halson St, Ancaster, ON L9G 2B9

Wed      3pm-7pm    June 13 - Oct 15


Dundas Farmers Market

11 Miller's Ln, Hamilton, ON L9H

Thurs    3pm-7pm   June 7 - Oct 28


Terra winter market-Hamilton

Saturday 10am-3pm   Jan 7 -March 17


Phone or email  always available.

2572 Jerseyville road west

Jerseyville, Ontario


"The ecologically-destructive path we are on is as if all of humanity is in a giant car heading towards a brick wall at 100 miles per hour. Everyone in it is arguing about where to sit. Permaculturalists are some of the only ones who know how to put on the brakes and turn the wheel

                                                                                                                                 Dr David Suzuki
                                                                                             award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster

© 2013-2019 by Chickabee Farm.

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